BioHacking se adreseaza tuturor celor care isi doresc sa isi imbunatateasca si sa isi mentina performantele.
Noi iti oferim cele mai bune si performante metode.
Brain Upgrade
Acest program te va ajuta la:
- Imbunatatirea functiilor executive
- Crestere coeficientului de inteligenta
- Dezvoltarea inteligentei emotionale
- Imbunatatirea creativitatii
- Cresterea productivitatii
- Imbunatatirea performantelor fizice si psihice
Experimenteaza mai multa fericire, imbunatatirea relatiilor si fa-ti upgrade la stilul de viata!
Cum functioneaza?
Primul pas al procesului va presupune participarea la o evaluare initiala pentru identificarea simptomelor si obtinerea unor date despre starea de sanatate si istoricul acesteia.
In procesul nostru initial de consultare si evaluare, clientul se intalneste cu unul dintre profesionistii nostri, astfel incat sa putem determina cel mai bine nevoile dvs. si sa va explicam procesul si modalitatile de lucru.
Se va efectua o evaluare Brainmapping daca este cazul – 1500 ron
Pentru mai multe detalii despre evaluarea Brain Mapping faceti Click AICI
Feedback-ul evaluarilor si stabilirea protocolului de antrenament – Gratuit
Inceperea protocolului de antrenament.
Pentru lista detaliata cu preturi faceti Click AICI
Programeaza-te la o consultatie la locatie sau online!
Parerile celor ce ne-au ales
- I recommend with all my heart, my child has changed considerably. She is much more attentive, speaks much more clearly and everyone around us has noticed the changes. And yes, I can say with my hand on my heart that I recommend it for all children with autism and other conditions, the results are real and visible.citeşte mai multcitește mai puținEnache Evelyne01 mai 2023We have a 9-year-old child who suffers from Autism and until we came to Romania we lived in the US where we did over 200 Neurofeedback sessions with 3 therapists. It took us some time until we learned that there are several types of Neurofeedback and that some are less effective, and others are more effective. They are all effective, but if you can get the results of 5 sessions in one session at the same price, I will definitely choose that session. In Romania, I had to try all offices form Bucharest because none of them specify what kind of neurofeedback they do. I found very expensive offices, where you pay for the luxury of the location, and very cheap ones that use outdated neurofeedback methods. Here I can say that the services have the fairest prices considering that the equipment and protocols used are the best on the market and the therapist is super professional!citeşte mai multcitește mai puținMickey Appleton02 dec. 2022
- Venim din Valcea de 4 ori pe luna cu fetita noastra care a fost diagnosticata cu autism si suntem foarte multumiti. La inceput a fost destul de greu pentru ca nu suporta casca pe cap, dar catalin a avut rabdare cu noi si dupa 3 sedinte am reusit.citeşte mai multcitește mai puținFrancisco Garner19 ian. 2023Am început neurofeedback-ul în urmă cu câteva luni, după ce am experimentat ceva care a cântărit greu pentru mine. Pe mine m-a ajutat foarte mult. Mintea mea este limpede și am mai multe zile bune decât rele în sfârșit. Dacă aveți îndoieli cu privire la tratament, vă recomand cu căldură să încercați.citeşte mai multcitește mai puținalex marius02 sept. 2022
- Our experience at Biohacking was nothing short of exceptional. Right from the start, the team provided a clear outline of the steps involved, the action plan, and set realistic expectations. Having had a less than favorable experience elsewhere, the contrast was stark and truly appreciated. My 6-year-old son was the one undergoing the evaluation, and I cannot stress enough the kindness and patience exhibited by the staff. Despite the lengthy process and the necessity for stillness during the evaluation, they engaged with him in a friendly and captivating manner that resonated well with his young mind. Their patience, understanding, and adaptability were particularly crucial for me, as anyone familiar with children knows the challenges they can present. The team at Biohacking navigated these with grace and professionalism. I wholeheartedly recommend Biohacking to any parent seeking a supportive and expert environment for their child’s needs.citeşte mai multcitește mai puținAlexandru Pana17 mai 2024