BioHacking is addressed to all those who want to improve and maintain their performance.
We offer you the best and best performing methods.
Transcranial Direct Curent Stimulation, or TDCS, is a non-invasive, painless, and safe form of brain neurostimulation.
The technology involves the use of a direct current low between 1-2 mA, delivered to specific areas of the brain through electrodes on the scalp. Electrical stimulation performed in this way can be used either to ,,excite,, or to ,,inhibit,, neural activity in the target area.
Transcranial electrical stimulation has been shown to be effective in a wide range of conditions such as ADHD, self-control, addiction, chronic pain, depression, insomnia but also to improve skills such as: creativity, focus, math skills, ability to learn.
TDCS is often combined with another form of activity or training in order to improve a specific brain function. American copper scientists have used electrical brain stimulation to improve staff mental skills in research aimed at increasing the performance of Air Force crews.

At the Biohacking Performance Center we use the first TDCS-based neurotechnology device to help athletes improve their performance through technology called ,,neuropriming,, .
Neuropriming involves the use of energy impulses to activate the motor cortex, improving the brain's response to training. The device delivers light energy pulses to produce a state of hyperplasticity, increasing the ability of neurons in the motor cortex to work together, creating functional connections.
Hyperplasticity helps athletes in two ways: increase strength and increase the ability to learn and correct deadly elements.

Strong growth
The device increases neural activity in the motor cortex and coordinates signals sent from the brain to the muscles. When the brain sends stronger signals, the recruitment of the motor unit and the number of activated muscle fibers - increases. As the recruitment of motor units increases, strength, power and speed increase.
Increasing learning capacity
Neuropriming also improves the brain's natural processes for learning and storing information, helping athletes gain motor skills at an accelerated pace.
Using the same technology in one study, the United States Ski and Snowboard Federation managed to achieve notable improvements in increasing the agility and strength of ski jumping, which are determinants of competition.
Book a consultation At the location or online !
The opinions of those that chose us
- I have worked with Catalin through about 15 sessions and cannot recommend him and his neurofeedback skills highly enough. I was somewhat skeptical at first, but was willing to try based on recommendations of people I trust. What I discovered is that i have reached and sustained a much steadier, confident and happier sense of being than I thought possible. If you are considering neurofeedback and are looking for the right person to engage, Biohacking Performance is the place in Bucharest to experience the success and benefits.citeşte mai multcitește mai puținLouisa Davies02 Dec 2022Cele 10 sedinte de neurofeedback au condus la imbunatatirea memoriei, somnului si diminuarea suprasolicitarii zonelor de creier identificate prin brainmapping. Dl. Catalin abordeaza cu pasiune fiecare caz in parte. Mulțumesc pentru toată răbdarea, explicațiile și ajutorul acordat.citeşte mai multcitește mai puținCristina Hodea17 Jun 2024
- Singurul loc din Romania unde merita facuta aceasta terapie. Recomand cu toata increderea! Spun asta pentru ca am investigat tot ce se poate in materie de neurofeedback inainte sa ajung aici. Mi s-au pus diagnostice vagi si mi s-au recomandat enorm de multe sedinte pentru a rezolva problema, nimic nu m-a convins. Am inteles ulterior de la Catalin, care pe langa faptul ca este un specialist desavarsit este si un OM extraordinar, ca e nevoie de multa experienta si aparatura performanta pentru a identifica corect problema, si a aplica tratamentul specific Astfel in loc de 8 zone afectate cum fusemem diagnosticata, au ramas doua iar numarul sedintelor s-a redus considerabil. Ca si feedback aplicat, a fost a life changing therapy, am scapat de starile permanente de freeze si de anxietatea cronica de care sufeream, am reusit sa inteleg exact ce mi s-a intamplat, sa gestionez totul intr-o stare de calm si bucurie pe care nu le mai experimentasem niciodata.. Sunt prea putine cuvinte pentru a cuprinde experienta traita in acest loc si felul in care mi-a schimbat viata!. Multumesc Catalin, raman recunoscatoare!citeşte mai multcitește mai puținLarisa Pop22 May 2024
- Super profesionalism , copilul se simte excelent și se observă cu adevărat schimbări în bine . Domnul Cătălin ne-a ajutat cu tot procesul și cu multe sfaturi bune . Recomand din toată inima !citeşte mai multcitește mai puținDaniel Voicu10 Dec 2024Buna ziua , il recomand pe dl Catalin Gherman pentru rabdarea si generozitatatea de a se deplasa la domicliu pentru mama mea de 88 de ani imobilizata la pat care sufera de o boala neurodegenerativa a creierului si nu aveam posibilitatea de a ajunge la cabinetul dansului pentru evaluare Apelati cu incredere are aparatura de ultiuma generatieciteşte mai multcitește mai puținalexandru mihaila25 Sep 2024Am experimentat îmbunătățiri semnificative în ceea ce privește concentrarea și nivelul de stres datorită sesiunilor de neurofeedback. Profesionalismul personalului și mediul primitor fac din fiecare vizită o experiență pozitivă. Recomand serviciile dvs. tuturor celor care doresc să-și îmbunătățească bunăstarea mentală.citeşte mai multcitește mai puținIrina Anton18 May 2024