
What is neuromeditation?

People spend years nurturing, developing, and refining their meditation practice, but can’t seem to reach their “next level”. Others try a few times to meditate, only to give up. Some of us really want to understand and use meditation from a scientific perspective and in a targeted way. We wish it could be simple, but no single meditation approach works for everyone. Our personal history, physiology, environment, and desired outcomes are unique.


At the Biohacking Performance Centernot only will you find out what type of meditation is right for you, with Neurofeedback you will learn how to meditate or if the type of meditation you practice is effective for you.

Exista sute, poate mii de forme diferite de meditatie, fiecare cu propriile traditii si practici specifice. Exista practici de meditatie, cum ar fi Meditatia Transcendentala (TM), in care inveti sa te eliberezi si sa iti golesti mintea, permitand acesteia sa se scufunde intr-un spatiu de constientizare odihnitoare. 


There are concentration practices that require the practitioner to focus on their breathing or on a specific word or phrase; gently turning the mind to the target every time it gets lost. There are still other practices, such as Tai Chi, that involve a pattern of choreographed movements and an emphasis on "continuous immersion of energy" and "movement like water." All these can be considered forms of meditation, however each is quite different. Because there are so many styles and traditions and there is so much information available about these practices, it is a little overwhelming. This overload of information makes it very difficult for someone to know where to start or which meditation practices might be best suited for their specific needs.


Based on how attention is directed, our intention during practice, and how it affects the brain, all meditations generally fall into one (or more) of the 4 categories: Focus, Mindfulness, Quiet Mind, and Open Heart.

Focus NeuroMeditation

Develop your concentration


If you struggle with:

ADHD Symptoms | Depression | Cognitive Decline | Memory Problems

Focus NeuroMeditation can help!

Our custom-tailored approach makes these practices more accessible.


Learning to Practice


Focus NeuroMeditation Can Improve:

Concentration & Focus | Cognitive Self-Awareness | Mental Stability

We incorporate a variety of tips, tricks, and tools to help you reach your goals.

The Focus NeuroMeditation® style emphasizes holding attention on a single target, such as the breath, a mantra, or a candle flame.

These practices are associated with increased activation of the frontal lobes and help train the mind to improve a variety of cognitive functions, including sustaining attention, reducing mind wandering, and improving reaction time and working memory.

This style is helpful for those struggling with ADHD and cognitive decline. Meditation for clarity and focus is a foundation for all other meditation styles, helping to stabilize the mind.


Mindfulness NeuroMeditation


Learn to live the moment

If you struggle with:

Anxiety | Chronic Stress | Depression

Mindfulness NeuroMeditation can help!


Our custom-tailored approach makes these practices more accessible.


Learning to Practice Mindfulness NeuroMeditation Can Help You:

Learn to Let Go | Create Distance from Your Thoughts | Manage Feelings & Behaviors | Reduce Judgement | Increase Bodily Awareness | Return Awareness to Present Moment


We incorporate a variety of tips, tricks, and tools to help you reach your goals.


The Mindfulness NeuroMeditation® styleteaches you to observe the process of awareness: your thoughts, feelings, and bodily sensations. You learn to create healthy distance from internal reactions, bringing your full attention to the present moment whenever the mind wanders. You practice accepting things as they are without grasping, clinging, or pushing away.


These practices are associated with a calming of specific regions of the brain involved in the stress response. The brain becomes more flexible, and habitual ways of perceiving yourself, others, and the environment shift naturally. These practices may be especially beneficial for managing stress, anxiety, and depression.

Open Heart NeuroMeditation

Enhance Your Mood and Empathy


If you struggle with:

Depression | Grief | Lack of Empathy | Resentment | Relationship Issues

Open Heart NeuroMeditation can help!


Our custom-tailored approach make these practices more accessible.


Learning to Practice

Open Heart NeuroMeditation Can:

Improve Mood | Increase Empathy | Increase Gratitude | Open Heart to Love and Healing | Increase Accurate Perspective Taking | Increase Generosity


We incorporate a variety of tips, tricks, and tools to help you reach your goals.


The Open Heart NeuroMeditation® styleemphasizes activating and enhancing positive feeling states, such as love, compassion, generosity, gratitude, and joy. It can help improve mood and allow you to become more empathic, loving, kind, and clear. For these reasons, it’s also referred to as a love and kindness meditation.


With these practices, you are intending to send these feelings out to others in the world. Targets for these practices may be yourself, family, friends, acquaintances, or regions of the world that are experiencing conflict.


Meditation for open heart can also help us to establish and maintain healthy boundaries in our relationships as we gain accurate empathy and conscious communication to round out feelings of love.


Practicile Open Heart activeaza regiuni ale creierului implicate in sustinerea atentiei, sintetizand comunicarea intre ganduri si sentimente, crescand empatia exacta si cultivand sentimente emotionale bazate pe corp.


Aceste practici pot ajuta la ingrijorarea dispozitiei, resentimentul, luarea perspectivei si durerea nerezolvata.


Quiet Mind NeuroMeditation


Cultiva-ti pacea interioara


If you struggle with:

Chronic Pain | Personality Disorders | Obsessive-Compulsion | Disordered Eating & Body Image Concerns | Substance Abuse & Addiction

Quiet Mind NeuroMeditation can help!


Our custom-tailored approach makes these practices more accessible.


Learning to Practice Open Heart NeuroMeditation Can Help You:

Quiet the Mind | Minimize Internal Self-Talk | Create Distance from Ego-Mind | Cultivate Restful Alertness | Appreciate & Accept Life


We incorporate a variety of tips, tricks, and tools to help you reach your goals.


The Quiet Mind NeuroMeditation® style represents the stereotypical view of meditation: that of entering pure awareness or spaciousness without a constant stream of thoughts and images. These practices teach you how to let go and drop below the level of day-to-day consciousness, beyond even the realm of internal self-talk. It requires a relaxed state of mind and body in which we can just “be.”


These practices quiet regions of the brain involved in processing the self or ego. The benefits of the Quiet Mind meditation style include a sense of calm and the reduction of both the amount and intensity of internal self-talk, thinking, analyzing, and processing, which allows you to live in the present.


Quiet Mind meditation practices may be particularly helpful for identity issues, eating and body image concerns, and obsessive or addictive tendencies.

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