Biohacking is the art of maximizing physical and mental performance through the use of scientific and technological means and a deep understanding of physiology and nutrition.

One of the foundations of biohacking claims that improving health is more profitable than treating the disease, seeking to identify and raise awareness of all factors in the indoor and outdoor environment to gain control over your body.

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Biohacking Performance is the first performance concept in Romania that uses biohacking, having a holistic approach, using the latest methods and technologies in the field of neuroscience and physiology integrating elements from biofeedback, neurofeedback, meditation, nutrition, physical and mental training in a 360 concept ®.


Our practice is dedicated to improving physical health and brain performance. Cognitive fitness has many definitions depending on our stage of life, circumstances, diseases, injuries or other factors.

We can all reach our full potential by expanding the level of our cognitive function. In the same way that we can improve our body through fitness, we can increase our concentration, creativity and mental efficiency through specific strategies and healthy brain habits.



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High Performance Coach

E. Catalin Gherman

Catalin is a neurofeedback therapist with extensive experience in the field of neuroscience and improving cognitive performance. With a solid foundation in sports and performance and a passion for performance at all levels, he expanded his knowledge into neuroscience, focusing on brain development and methods to improve mental performance.

He is a graduate of the Medical Neuroscience course at Duke University and the Neurofeedback Therapist Course accredited by the Institute for EEG and Neurofeedback in Germany.

Catalin is also certified in EEG NeuroMeditation by Dr. Jeff Terant, the director and founder of the Institute of NeuroMeditation in the USA, being the first and only Romanian with this certification.

He is a member of the International Society for Neurofeedback and Research and the EEG and Clinical Neuroscience Society.

The expertise combines advanced neurofeedback techniques with a holistic approach, focused on improving mental and physical health through applied neuroscience.

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Nutrition Coach

Valentina Gherman

Valentina is a person passionate about sports and healthy nutrition with over 7 years of experience as a fitness trainer and sports nutrition specialist.

Practica fitnessu-ul si a obtinut doua titluri de vicecampioana nationala la categoria bikini fitness si doua titluri cu locul II la concursul Tiger Classic.

Valentina is an internationally accredited trainer in the category Bikini fitness - Women's Physique, IFBB accredited fitness instructor, SFT instructor (Surface free training), Fight Klub instructor (BAG-BOX & KHAI BO), COREX & POSTURAL TRAINING instructor and in the field of nutrition she is nationally accredited as Nutritionist Technician and Nutrition Coach by Precision Nutrition.

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